
1. rupture n破裂,裂开;(和好关系的)决裂,断绝;vt.使破裂;断绝(关系); vi.破裂
eg:Can you open it without suffering a rupture?
    The friendship between the two countries ended in rupture.
    The border conflicts ruptured the friendship between the two countries.
    Our government ruptured diplomatic relations with that country.
    They reported that the pipelines had ruptured.
2. salute vi.行礼,致敬,问候;vt.向。。致意,向。。敬礼;赞扬,颂扬;n。敬礼,致意
eg: The chairman of the board opened the ceremony with a salutatory address.

3. salvation n.拯救,解救; 解救措施
eg: A cold beer would be my salvation. 

4. scandal n.丑闻;流言蜚语;反感,愤慨
eg: A series of corruption scandals led to the fall of the goverment.
    I want information but not scandal.
    The news about the minister's private life caused a scandal.
5. saturate vt.使充满,使饱和;使湿透,浸透
eg: The air was saturated with the scent of the flowers
    His shirt was saturated with sweat.
6. segregate vt。使隔离,使分开
eg: Some restaurants began to segregate smokers from other diners.

7. seminar n.(大学的)研究班,研讨会
eg: The professor is giving a seminar on ancient Greek vases tomorrow.

8.sentiment n.感情,情绪;意见,观点
eg: At the moment, there appears to be little sentiment for a strike.
    The ambassador explained the sentiment of his government on the question.
    Sentiment should be controlled by reason.



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