月初时间 和 月末时间 let month = moment(); startTime = month.startOf('month');//月初 endTime = month.endOf('month');//月末 查看两天前的当月有多少天 let month = moment(new Date()).add(-2, 'days'); num = month.endOf('month&# 继续阅读
Search Results for: Moment
最近ChatGPT真的火出圈了,现在打开知乎、博客、抖音,B站都是这方面的信息,ChatGPT相关的信息铺天盖地的袭转而来。对于这种类似新一轮信息技术革命,作为普通人的我们,该如何做呢?这是我们该思考的。 英伟达创始人兼CEO黄仁勋:this is the iphone moment if you will of artificial intelligence &# 继续阅读
2-2 A pretrained model that fakes it until it makes it
1.The GAN game Let’s suppose, for a moment, that we’re career criminals who want to move into selling forgeries of “lost” paintings by famous artists. We’re criminals, not painters, so as we paint our fake Rembrandts and Picassos, it quickly becomes 继续阅读
【无监督学习】1、MOCOv1 | 用于提升无监督学习效果的动量对比学习
文章目录 一、背景二、方法2.1 对比学习(字典查表)2.2 动量对比函数2.3 Pretext Task 三、效果3.1 数据集3.2 训练细节3.3 实验 论文:Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning 代码:https://github.com/facebookresearch/moco 出处:FAIR 继续阅读