
编译原理笔记13:自上而下语法分析(3)构造预测分析表、LL(1) 文法

目录 构造预测分析表不懂也能用的构造步骤FIRST、FOLLOW 和分析表的原理? LL(1) 文法 构造预测分析表 预测分析表的作用,是为推导的进行指明方向——我们用当前下推栈栈顶和读写头所指向的符号的组合(即当前的状态),去查询预测分析表,以确定推导的下一步该向着何种方向前进。 推导应该前进的方向,由 FIRST、FOLLOW 集合说明——这两个集合能够说明, 继续阅读

Excel VBA 打开超链接

VBA打开超链接 文件超链接 Cells(x, y).Hyperlinks(1).Follow 网址超链接 URL = Cells(x, y).Hyperlinks(1).Address Set wshshell = CreateObject(“wscript.shell”) wshshell.Run hyper_link & URL 继续阅读


关闭网络端口: Thus the following programs are NOT what I'm looking for: wkillcx - that looked like the right option but unfortunatelly it doesn't work either locally (WinServer 2008 and it's even worse via telnet - it shows only first line of 继续阅读


理解题目 最近在看算法的问题比较多,希望能以一道小题,来记录算法分析的过程。题目是: Pig Latin Pig Latin is a way of altering English Words. The rules are as follows: If a word begins with a consonant, take the first consonant or consonant cluster, m 继续阅读