

How to study SAP ?

Here are some steps to help you study SAP:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the SAP system: Before you begin to study SAP, it's important to understand what the SAP system is and how it works. You can read introductory articles and watch introductory videos to get a general idea.

  2. Determine your learning goals: What specific SAP modules or components do you want to study? This will help you determine which courses, certifications, and books to focus on.

  3. Get a solid foundation: Start by taking an SAP overview course to get a solid foundation in SAP's architecture, navigation, and basic functionality.

  4. Choose the right certification: SAP offers a range of certifications for different levels of experience and expertise. Choose the one that best matches your learning goals and professional aspirations.

  5. Enroll in a training course: You can enroll in a training course offered by SAP, a SAP partner, or an online learning platform. Some courses are designed for specific SAP modules or components, while others cover the entire SAP system.

  6. Practice, practice, practice: SAP is a complex system, so it's important to practice what you learn. You can do this by using SAP's online demo system or by using a personal system that you install on your own computer.

  7. Stay up-to-date with SAP updates: SAP is constantly evolving, so it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest updates and new features. You can do this by reading SAP's official news and blogs, attending SAP-sponsored events, or following SAP influencers and experts on social media.

By following these steps, you can effectively study SAP and gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in your SAP career.

翻译(From Google):


以下是帮助您学习 SAP 的一些步骤:

1、熟悉 SAP 系统:在开始学习 SAP 之前,了解什么是 SAP 系统及其工作原理很重要。 您可以阅读介绍性文章并观看介绍性视频以了解大致情况。

2、确定您的学习目标:您想学习哪些具体的 SAP 模块或组件? 这将帮助您确定要关注哪些课程、认证和书籍。

3、打下坚实的基础:首先学习 SAP 概览课程,为 SAP 的架构、导航和基本功能打下坚实的基础。 

4、选择正确的认证:SAP 为不同级别的经验和专业知识提供一系列认证。 选择最符合您的学习目标和职业抱负的课程。

5、参加培训课程:您可以参加由 SAP、SAP 合作伙伴或在线学习平台提供的培训课程。 有些课程是为特定的 SAP 模块或组件设计的,而其他课程则涵盖整个 SAP 系统。 

6、练习、练习、再练习:SAP 是一个复杂的系统,因此练习所学内容非常重要。 您可以使用 SAP 的在线演示系统或安装在您自己的计算机上的个人系统来完成此操作。

7、及时了解 SAP 更新:SAP 在不断发展,因此及时了解最新的更新和新功能非常重要。 您可以通过阅读 SAP 的官方新闻和博客、参加 SAP 赞助的活动或在社交媒体上关注 SAP 影响者和专家来做到这一点。

通过执行这些步骤,您可以有效地学习 SAP 并获得在 SAP 职业生涯中取得成功所需的知识和技能。




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