The Primes as a Result of the Longest Consecutive Sum




The Primes as a Result of the Longest Consecutive Sum I

This kata is inspired on the problem #50 of the Project Euler.

The prime 41 is the result of the sum of many consecutive primes.

In fact, 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 = 41 , (6 addens)

Furthermore, the prime 41 is the prime below 100 (val_max) that has the longest chain of consecutive prime addens.

The prime with longest chain of addens for val_max = 500 is 499 with 17addens.

In fact: 3+5+7+11+13+17+19+23+29+31+37+41+43+47+53+59+61= 499

Find the function prime_maxlength_chain()(primeMaxlengthChain() javascript), that receives an argument val_max, the upper limit, all the found primes should be less than val_max and outputs this found prime.

Let's see some cases:

prime_maxlength_chain(100) == [41]
prime_maxlength_chain(500) == [499]

If we have more than one prime with these features, the function should output an array with the found primes sorted.

prime_maxlength_chain(499) == [379, 491]

Random Tests for val_max (valMax)

100 ≤ val_max ≤ 500.000


def is_prime(n):for i in range(2, n):if n % i == 0:return Falsebreakelse:return True
lis_prime = []
for i in range(2,50000):if is_prime(i) is True:lis_prime.append(i)
'''def prime_maxlength_chain(n):lis_prime = []for i in range(2,n):if is_prime(i) is True:lis_prime.append(i)#print(lis_prime,len(lis_prime))   lis = {}lis1 = []lis2 = []maxlen = 0for j in range(0,len(lis_prime)):sumer = 0for i in range(j,len(lis_prime)):sumer = sumer + lis_prime[i]if sumer >= n :breakif (is_prime(sumer) is True) and (i-j >= maxlen):maxlen = i -jmaxsum = sumerlis1.append([maxsum,maxlen])for i in range(len(lis1)):if lis1[i][1] == maxlen:lis2.append(lis1[i][0])#aiMove2 = max(lis1, key=lis1.get)#keys = [x for x,y in lis1.items() if y == lis1[aiMove2]]print(lis1)lis2 = set(lis2)return sorted(list(lis2))







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