2、树形结构的特性如下: 每个节点有零个或多个子节点; 没有父节点的节点称为根节点; 每一个非根节点有且只有一个父节点; 除了根节点外,每个子节点又可以分为多个不重叠的子树.
class Node { int data; Node left, right; public Node(int item) { data = item; left = right = null; } }
void printPreorder(Node node) { if (node == null) return; // 先输出当前节点的数据 System.out.print( + " "); // 递归打印左子节点 printPreorder(node.left); // 现在递归打印右子节点 printPreorder(node.right); }
class Node { int key; Node left, right; public Node(int item) { key = item; left = right = null; } } class BinaryTree { Node root; void insert(int key) { root = insertRec(root, key); } Node insertRec(Node root, int key) { if (root == null) { root = new Node(key); return root; } if (key < root.key) root.left = insertRec(root.left, key); else if (key > root.key) root.right = insertRec(root.right, key); return root; } void inorder() { inorderRec(root); } void inorderRec(Node root) { if (root != null) { inorderRec(root.left); System.out.println(root.key); inorderRec(root.right); } } }
class Node { int data; Node parent; Node left; Node right; int color; }
public class RedBlackTree { private Node root; private Node TNULL; // Preorder private void preOrderHelper(Node node) { if (node != TNULL) { preOrderHelper(node.left); preOrderHelper(node.right); } } // In-order private void inOrderHelper(Node node) { if (node != TNULL) { inOrderHelper(node.left); inOrderHelper(node.right); } } // Post order private void postOrderHelper(Node node) { if (node != TNULL) { postOrderHelper(node.left); postOrderHelper(node.right); } } // Balance the tree after deletion of a node private void fixDelete(Node x) { Node s; while (x != root && x.color == 0) { if (x == x.parent.left) { s = x.parent.right; if (s.color == 1) { // case 3.1 s.color = 0; x.parent.color = 1; leftRotate(x.parent); s = x.parent.right; } if (s.left.color == 0 && s.right.color == 0) { // case 3.2 s.color = 1; x = x.parent; } else { if (s.right.color == 0) { // case 3.3 s.left.color = 0; s.color = 1; rightRotate(s); s = x.parent.right; } // case 3.4 s.color = x.parent.color; x.parent.color = 0; s.right.color = 0; leftRotate(x.parent); x = root; } } else { // same as "if (x == x.parent.left)" the other way around } } x.color = 0; } // Balance the tree after insertion of a node private void fixInsert(Node k) { Node u; while (k.parent.color == 1) { if (k.parent == k.parent.parent.right) { u = k.parent.parent.left; // uncle is RED if (u.color == 1) { u.color = 0; k.parent.color = 0; k.parent.parent.color = 1; k = k.parent.parent; } else { if (k == k.parent.left) { k = k.parent; rightRotate(k); } // uncle is BLACK k.parent.color = 0; k.parent.parent.color = 1; leftRotate(k.parent.parent); } } else { // mirror image of above code // the other way around } if (k == root) { break; } } root.color = 0; } // ... }
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